

My Time at Portia パッチノート(4.0809まで)


My Time at Portia Patch Notes 4.0809

Change list as follows:
Adjusted camera sensitivity
Fixed some text errors
Added settings to on turn camera inertia on/off


My Time at Portia Patch note 4.0808

Added cutscenes for the acupuncture.
Increased the maximum camera sensitivity value.
Increased the quality of the gifts for the Day of Bright Sun.
Fixed abnormal behavior for some NPCs.
Fixed the crash of ordering menu during dating.
Fixed some text errors.
Fixed the bug that the dating/player partner will not follow the player after sparring with other NPCs.
Fixed the bug of NPC's path finding.
Added the save for the market price.
Fixed the bug that several items cannot be sold to the store (including the venom).
Added the level options when entering the hazardous dungeon.
Removed the stamina consumption when waving the fist but hit on nothing.

・Day of Bright Sunの贈り物の質を向上
・market priceの保存を追加

Day of Bright Sunの贈り物の質を向上かぁ・・・


My Time at Portia Patch Notes. 4.0807

Fixed the bug that entering/leaving the abandoned ruins will freeze the game. But cannot guarantee, if you still have this issue, please keep contact us.
Added more conversation after Phyllis get married, Phyllis shall not say "Dr. Xu is a great doctor!". And added more conversation for Ginger, Emily, and Gust.
Fixed the bug that the Tree Farm cannot produce wood. But the production setting will reset to quantity, you can change the setting to quality if you want.
Optimized the animation when players cutting trees, mining, and attacking, and the action will be more smooth.
Added more options for setting up the camera sensitivity and optimized the move of the camera. But need to reset first.
Removed the stamina consumption when waving an axe or pickaxe but hit on nothing.
Adjusted the drop rate for some items (Copper Wire, Silicon Chipset, Colourful Fur and Bat's Wing).
Adjusted the maximin number per one pack for several items, changed the number to 500.
Removed the setting that NPC' favour will drop if players haven't talked to them in a long time period.
Added the controller button layout to the favour interface.
Adjusted the sorting rules. The item will go directly to your bag if you already have it, but it will be added to the shortcut if you don't have any.
Adjusted the sorting rule of emails. Emails are sorted by time.
Fixed the crash when players deleting the save.
Added options for the frame rate lock.
Fixed the bug when resetting the vertical sync failed.
Adjusted the CG.
Fixed the crash when using the cooking set.
Added the setting that characters will be undefeated once they are in the conversation.
Optimized the lighting in abandoned ruins.
Added the setting that characters will not be poisoned to death when opening the chest.
Adjusted the favour increase when donating in Temple
Added the reputation increase in the next day when the player advertise the workshop.
Changed the setting that the portal in the WOW Industries' dungeon will not close after The Mouse King's death.
Fixed the bug that the waiting before the dating/playing time cannot be interrupted if there's any interaction with other NPCs.
Adjusted the dating/playing place in My Workshop.
Blocked the dating event that cannot be triggered.
Added more Chinese voice acting for Mei. Deleted Chinese voice acting for Nora, Sonia, Oaks, Mars, Albert.
Added one dating event, has changed Rest on the Lap into in the dating event.
Adjusted NPCs' path-finding in the cemetery.
Fixed the bug that players can have multiple dates everyday after loading saves.
Adjusted the favour increase from each dating/playing events.
Adjusted the social skills of Fair Fight and Happy Camper.
Adjusted the favour increase after sending the items to NPCs, those items include Power Stones, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, rose, Journey from the East, Cooking Master, Farming Guide.
Fixed the bug that the dating/player partner might disappear after having sparring with other NPCs.
Fixed the bug that NPC cannot leave church.
Adjusted the required level for players get
Increased length of time Sanwa's stays in town.
Added the outline of the item name for the wooden storage.
Added seasonal effect for three buildings.
The stones that closed to Amber Island cannot be break.
Fixed the result number display error when making dough.
The sofa that players get from the mission can be placed in house.
Increased the buff for Massage Chair.
Changed the coin consumption for playing the dart, players will only need to spend 20 coins on it. Adjusted the reward of mini games.
Deleted the commission that requires the loudspeaker. But will add this commission in the later version.
Added the statue Armor of a Knight. It can be redeemed in the game centre in The Round Table.
Updated the UI for NPC
Added one fish into Pinky's favourite food list.
Adjusted the required heart for confession.
Adjusted the displaying error while introducing the NPCs.
Added two NPCs.
Fixed the bug that Ginger will choose spicy food and seafood which she doesn't like at all when ordering menu.
Adjusted the favour increase when sending those books to NPCs which redeemed from the game centre.

・abandoned ruinsでフリーズするバグを修正
 PhyllisがDr. Xuは素晴らしい医者です!」と言わなくなった
 そしてGinger, Emily, Gustの会話が増やした
・Tree Farmが木材を生産できない不具合を修正
・一部アイテムのドロップ率を調整(Copper Wire, Silicon Chipset, Colourful Fur, Bat's Wing)
・cooking setを使用するときのクラッシュを修正
・abandoned ruinsの明るさを最適化
・Mouse Kingの死後WOW Industries' dungeonのポータルが閉じない設定を変更
・My Workshopでのデート/遊びの場所を調整
・Nora, Sonia, Oaks, Mars, Albert.の中国語音声を削除
・1つのデートイベントを追加し、デートイベントRest on the Lapに変更しました。
・Fair FightとHappy Camperのソーシャルスキルの調整
・Power Stones, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, rose, Journey from the East, Cooking Master, Farming Guideを
・wooden storageの商品名の概要を追加
・立入禁止のAmber Islandの石は壊れない。
・Massage Chairのバフを増加
・Armor of a Knightのステータスを追加しました。
 これはThe Round Tableのゲームセンターで利用することができます。


My Time at Portia Patch Notes 4.0802

Added new item in mysterious businessman's shop.
Fixed the bug that the players' handbook & relationship will reset (but we cannot guarantee it will not happen again, so if you still have this issue, please keep contacting us).
Fixed the bug that some items' icons were missing
Fixed the bug that the Steel Beam cannot be assembled
Added the Street Light and the Planter Box Craft Recipe into the store
Fixed the bug that skill tree reset from Phyllis cannot be saved
Shortened the cool down time of dating/playing
Changed the timing of the date/play icon display, the icon will only show up while the date/play has been triggered
Added the playing time of the save files
Optimized the UI consumption of Planter Box and the machine
Fixed the bug that players cannot get the letter the letter Day of the Bright Sun
Fixed several script content
Please continue to tell us when you encounter any issues. We’ll prepare the next patch as soon as possible.

・mysterious businessmanのショップに新しいアイテムを追加
・players' handbook & relationshipがリセットされるバグ修正
・Steel Beamを組み立てられないバグ修正
・Street LightとPlanter Box の製作レシピを店舗に追加
・セーブファイルのplaying timeを追加
・ Planter Boxとthe machineの消費UIを最適化
・プレイヤーがDay of the Bright Sunの手紙を手に入れることができないバグ修正

2018/1/24 - 2018/1/25
Patch 4.08 And The Previous Patch 4.07

25th January 2018

Fixed Quality Leather recipe not unlocking
Fixed issue with competitive workshops gaining too many points
Fixed issue with the Portia bridge commission
Fixed the Ack cutscene not playing correctly
Fixed old saves not having voice over sometimes
Fixed crash when cutting autumn trees on the highlands
Fixed crash from skill effects
Fixed crash from exiting date
Fixed cost of entering the second Abandoned Ruins to 300
Temporarily removed player and Paulie seesaw and swing due to animation issues
Temporarily removed upgrade to Assembly Station level 2 due to some issues
Tweaked Arlo and Remington fighting monsters
Tweaked animal bones drop rate for Llamas
Added simple circuits as a loot for clearing level 1 in the Sewage Ruins
Tweaked water storage receipe
Added reputation for player when completing the Portia bridge mission

24th January 2018

Fixed the crash bug when naming your character
Fixed the crash bug while loading the game
Added the controller button layout to the help section
Added the feather animation when holding chickens or ducks
Added a voice option for characters – voice is now optional
Changed the default resolution – the resolution will not go higher than 1920 x 1080
Fixed the disappearing icon when operating a machine
Fixed the bug where the waterfall disappears
Fixed crafting recipes
Increased the drop rate of simple circuits in Abandoned Ruins #2
Fixed the crash bug when moving the level 3 worktable in A & G Construction
Fixed the bug limiting cursor movement area after changing the game resolution
Fixed the bug preventing the help section from being closed when using a controller
Fixed the issues with the relationship UI
Fixed the crash bug in interactive UI
Fixed the crash bug when dragging an item out of the shortcut bar
Fixed the bug with the panbat animation
Adjusted the difficulty level of balloon shooting
Fixed the crash bug when turning in a quest
Fixed the bug where players cannot interact with Sam when doing ‘The Crashed Station’ quest
Fixed the crash when turning in commissions

25th January 2018
・Quality Leatherのレシピがアンロックされないバグ修正
・多くのポイントを獲得するcompetitive workshopsの問題を修正
・Portia bridge commissionの問題を修正
・skill effectによるクラッシュを修正
・second Abandoned Ruinsの入場料を300に固定
・問題が発生したため、Assembly Station level 2へのアップグレードを1時的に削除
・Arlo と Remingtonの戦いのモンスターを微調整
・Llamasからのanimal bonesのドロップ率を微調整
・Sewage Ruins Lv1クリアのアイテムにsimple circuitsを追加
・water storage receipeを微調整
・Portia bridge missionを完了したときのプレイヤーの評判を追加

24th January 2018
・コントローラーボタンレイアウトにhelp sectionを追加
・デフォルトの解像度を変更。解像度は1920 x 1080より高くなりません。
・crafting recipesを修正
・Abandoned Ruins #2のsimple circuitsのドロップ率を増加
・A & G ConstructionでLv3の作業台を動かしたときにクラッシュするバグ修正
・interactive UIのクラッシュバグを修正
・panbat animationのバグ修正
・balloon shootingの難易度を調整
・‘The Crashed Station’クエストを行うときにプレイヤーがSamと会話できないバグ修正


Assembly Station level 2へのアップグレードは今も